Irene Fiordilino - Scirocco Dance Theatre Company
Square Mythologies
Concept by Virna Koutla
Video-art and Choreography by Irene Fiordilino and Virna Koutla 

Performance by Irene Fiordilino
Produced by VOID
Performed at:
2018, Adapt Festival, Tempus Verum, Athens, GR
Square Mythologies is a research-based project focusing on the notion of the 'absurd' and the relationship between language and space. Stemming from the understanding of the Greek word for the absurd, παράλογο (paralogo), as the topos outside both reason and language ([para]—outside, [logos]—reason/language), this piece explores the exhaustion of the latter in Samuel Beckett’s teleplay Quad and the construction of its theatrical space. The revision of the original play manifests as an analytical approach towards its linguistic possibilities and is presented as a form of interaction between the tangible (bodies) and intangible (boundaries) forces at play. Working upon the relationship between logos (script) and its performance, Square Mythologies seeks to reclaim the capacities of the infinite -yet fully defined- space of the square, or what Deleuze calls 'any-space-whatever'.
Power is made of a delicate balance between control (in which we are actively involved) and freedom (that we passively experience). There is an implicit bipolarity and a consequent dynamic balance within the concept of ‘power’: it depends on the control we achieve within the boundaries of our own freedom.
Square Mythologies is a site-specific performance of short duration and improvised movement. The choreography is performed by a single protagonist on stage who is called to translate the script kinetically. The choreography researches they ways in which a geometrically constructed space affects our gnoseological experience of space itself and our dynamic appreciation of its extensive and intensive qualities.
In Square Mythologies points, lines and surfaces, that are only implied, create an highly dense emptiness, where the performer is invited to dance not 'in' but 'with' the space, thus challenging its mobility as well as malleability against the solid body.
Square Mythologies proclaims an exchange of weight through which the space -like the body it slef- flects, extends, rotates, twists, adduces, abducts, spirals, and in so doing changes in density and flow.
Square Mythologies seek to challenge preset boundaries, preset grids of movement, preset frames of containment in order to establish an ongoing dialogue with space, so that both body and space can dynamically affect and lead each other in their own dance.